Get Your Amazon Echo Dot Now – But in What Color?
Amazon Echo Dot – The price makes it easy, the colors are the hardest part
Now is a great time to get an Amazon Echo Dot. Whether or not you already have Alexa devices in your home, you’re using Google Home instead, or you’ve resisted the voice assistant trend altogether, now is the time to try it out. Alexa-enabled devices have never been cheaper.
The price of an Echo Dot is well worth it, even if you only use it for reminders, to read you the news, the weather, and to ask her to tell you the occasional bad joke. It’s handy to have around, even for the simple stuff like that. You don’t have to use it to control your lights or anything. Eventually you’ll do that anyway, but for now, you don’t.
Amazon Echo Dot + Music = Yes!
I recently got tired of hearing the same 5 ads play over and over and over all day long on my free P—ora music account. I’d been meaning to sign up for Amazon Prime for a while. I knew that I’d get Prime Music when I did, which is ad-free. Yes, I could have paid for ad-free P—ora too, but that wasn’t going to get me super-quick free shipping on my tech toys, so I went the Prime route (there are discounts on Amazon Prime too btw).
Now that I have both the Music and the Amazon Echo Dot and Show, I just ask Alexa to play anything that comes to mind. When I tell someone in the house to calm down, and then a certain Taylor Swift song comes to mind, I ask Alexa to play it. When someone starts humming a show tune, I can ask Alexa to play it. An oldie-but-goodie? She’s got it covered. It’s so much easier than firing up a web browser or an app and digging around to find what I want. Amazon Prime Music and Amazon Echo Dot make a great combo. And if you opt for Echo Show instead, you’ll get lyrics displayed karaoke-style. The only question then is, are you brave enough to sing in front of Alexa?
What Color is Your Dot?
Even if you don’t want another music service in your life right now, the prices for Echo devices like Echo Dot are very low. Really, the only choice to make is what color?
Amazon Echo Dot with a clock, in all the same colors as above…
But wait, there’s more!
Amazon Echo Dot Kid’s Edition, with parental controls
Amazon Echo Dot Skins
You can actually buy any color you want, and use skins to change it up.
“What? No glow-in-the-dark?” you ask? Yes, yes there is. Will that be in green or blue?
The Amazon Echo Dot prices are right, right now. The biggest decision you have to make is what color?